Numerous streets in Canada, especially in Quebec, were named after René Richard to honor one of this country's greatest Artists. There are also monuments dedicated to him in Quebec city as well as in Baie St. Paul. Since he spent about 4 decades of his life in Baie St. Paul, it is natural that quite a few of them are concentrated there.
(Original chez Dr. Urgel Pelletier)
Timbre postal, 1982 Series des timbres postal de plusieurs artistes Canadiens. Photo de René Richard
Avec "L'Ordre Du Canada, recu à 1982"
(Original chez Dr. Urgel Pelletier)
l chez Dr. Urgel Pelletier)
Maison Richard à Baie St. Paul La Tombe De René Richard et Blanche Cimon à Baie St. Paul
Sur le monument ce trouve les couleur nationale de la Suisse et du Canada.
In 1982, The Canadien Government issued a post stamp to honor René Richard. They used one of his great oil paintings of the Northwest Territory as theme of the stamp.
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